Who is Julieta Venegas?
Q: Who is Julieta Venegas?
A: Julieta Venegas is a Mexican singer-songwriter.
Q: What album is Sí?
A: Sí is the third album by Julieta Venegas.
Q: Who co-produced the album with Julieta Venegas?
A: The album was co-produced by Cachorro López and Coti Sorokin.
Q: When was Sí released?
A: The release date of Sí has not been specified.
Q: What genre does the album belong to?
A: The genre of the album has not been specified.
Q: How many songs are on the album?
A: The number of songs on the album has not been specified.
Q: Is there any other information available about this album?
A: Additional information about this album may be available elsewhere, but it has not been provided in this text.