Where is Shibuya Junior and Senior High School located?
Q: Where is Shibuya Junior and Senior High School located?
A: Shibuya Junior and Senior High School is located in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, Japan.
Q: What is the common nickname of Shibuya Junior and Senior High School?
A: The common nickname of Shibuya Junior and Senior High School is Shibu-Shibu.
Q: Does Shibuya Junior and Senior High School accept new students for its senior high school?
A: No, Shibuya Junior and Senior High School only accepts students coming up from the junior high school.
Q: How many years do students attend Shibuya Junior and Senior High School in total?
A: Students attend Shibuya Junior and Senior High School for a total of six years, with three years in each school.
Q: Is Makuhari Junior and Senior High School related to Shibuya Junior and Senior High School?
A: Yes, Makuhari Junior and Senior High School is a sister school of Shibuya Junior and Senior High School.
Q: What is the similarity between both Shibuya Junior and Senior High School and Makuhari Junior and Senior High School?
A: Both Shibuya Junior and Senior High School and Makuhari Junior and Senior High School share the same school motto and educational objectives.
Q: Does Shibuya Junior and Senior High School practice co-education?
A: Yes, Shibuya Junior and Senior High School is a private co-ed secondary school.