Who wrote the song "She's Leaving Home"?

Q: Who wrote the song "She's Leaving Home"?

A: John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote the song.

Q: When was "She's Leaving Home" released?

A: The song was released in 1967 on The Beatles album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Q: What did McCartney contribute to the song?

A: McCartney wrote and sang the verse of "She's Leaving Home."

Q: Who sang the chorus of "She's Leaving Home"?

A: Lennon sang the chorus of the song.

Q: Did the members of the Beatles play any instruments on "She's Leaving Home"?

A: No, they did not play any instruments on the song.

Q: Is "She's Leaving Home" one of the well-known songs of the Beatles?

A: Yes, it is one of the handful of well-known songs of the Beatles.

Q: How many songs are there that the Beatles did not play any instruments?

A: It is not mentioned in the text how many songs are there that the Beatles did not play any instruments.

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