What is ShelterBox?

Q: What is ShelterBox?

A: ShelterBox is an international disaster relief charity that offers temporary shelter and life-saving supplies to families who have been displaced.

Q: What kind of package does ShelterBox send to displaced families?

A: ShelterBox sends a package that typically consists of a tent designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, water purification kit, blankets, tools, and other things needed to help a family survive after a disaster.

Q: Can the contents of the ShelterBox package be customized?

A: Yes, the contents of a ShelterBox are designed for the nature and location of the disaster.

Q: What is the main objective of ShelterBox?

A: The primary objective of ShelterBox is to provide temporary accommodation and essential supplies to displaced families.

Q: Does ShelterBox have any specific disaster relief policies?

A: Yes, ShelterBox is focused on providing humanitarian aid to families impacted by natural or man-made disasters.

Q: Who benefits from the aid provided by ShelterBox?

A: The aid provided by ShelterBox is intended to benefit families that have been displaced by disasters.

Q: What kinds of items can be included in a ShelterBox package?

A: A ShelterBox may contain a variety of items such as a tent, water purification equipment, blankets, tools, and other necessities needed to help a family in the aftermath of a disaster.

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