Where is Shawinigan located?

Q: Where is Shawinigan located?

A: Shawinigan is a city in Quebec, Canada.

Q: How many people lived in Shawinigan in 2011?

A: In 2011, there were 50060 people who lived in Shawinigan.

Q: Who was elected mayor in the 2009 municipal election in Shawinigan?

A: Michel Angers was elected as mayor in the 2009 municipal election in Shawinigan.

Q: What are some different spellings of the name of the city over periods of time?

A: Some different spellings of the name of the city over periods of time are Chaouinigane, Oshaouinigane, Assaouinigane, Achawénégan, Chawinigame, Shawenigane, and Chaouénigane.

Q: What could the name of Shawinigan mean?

A: The name of Shawinigan could either mean "portage", "portage of beeches", "angular portage", "summit" or "crest".

Q: What river is Shawinigan located on?

A: Shawinigan is located on the Saint-Maurice River.

Q: Is Shawinigan in the province of Quebec or Ontario?

A: Shawinigan is in the province of Quebec.

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