What is Shahzadpur?
Q: What is Shahzadpur?
A: Shahzadpur is a town in the Ambala District of Haryana State, India.
Q: Which tehsil does Shahzadpur belong to?
A: Shahzadpur belongs to Shahzadpur Tehsil.
Q: Which division does Shahzadpur belong to?
A: Shahzadpur belongs to Ambala Division.
Q: How far is Shahzadpur from the district head quarters of Ambala?
A: Shahzadpur is located 30 kilometres or 19 miles towards the east from the district head quarters of Ambala.
Q: What is the pin code of Shahzadpur?
A: The pin code of Shahzadpur is 134202.
Q: What is the postal head office of Shahzadpur?
A: The postal head office of Shahzadpur is Shahzadpur.
Q: Is Shahzadpur a Tehsil head quarter?
A: Yes, Shahzadpur is a Tehsil head quarter.