Who was Sewall Green Wright?
Q: Who was Sewall Green Wright?
A: Sewall Green Wright was an American geneticist who founded population genetics and contributed to evolutionary theory.
Q: What is path analysis and how did Wright contribute to it?
A: Path analysis is a field of statistics, and Wright did original work in it.
Q: Who were Wright's colleagues in the founding of theoretical population genetics?
A: R.A. Fisher and J.B.S. Haldane were Wright's colleagues in the founding of theoretical population genetics.
Q: What is the inbreeding coefficient and who discovered it?
A: The inbreeding coefficient is a measure of the degree of inbreeding within a population, and Wright is its discoverer.
Q: How did Wright calculate inbreeding in populations?
A: Wright calculated the degree of inbreeding of members of populations as a result of random genetic drift.
Q: What did Fisher, Wright, and Haldane contribute to modern evolutionary synthesis?
A: Fisher, Wright, and Haldane's work on theoretical population genetics was a major step in the development of the modern evolutionary synthesis of genetics with evolution.
Q: What other fields did Wright make contributions to?
A: Wright also made contributions to mammalian genetics and biochemical genetics.