Who are the Seven Gods of Fortune?
Q: Who are the Seven Gods of Fortune?
A: The Seven Gods of Fortune, also known as the Seven Lucky Gods in English, refer to seven gods of good fortune in Japanese mythology and folklore.
Q: What is a netsuke carving?
A: A netsuke carving is a small sculpture or ornament that was traditionally used to secure items such as pouches and tobacco boxes from cords attached to kimono sashes.
Q: Which god is associated with wealth and commerce?
A: Daikokuten (Daikoku) is the god of wealth, commerce and trade. He is often paired with Ebisu, god of fishers or merchants, and represented as carvings or masks on the walls of small retail shops.
Q: Who is Benzaiten (Benten-sama)?
A: Benzaiten (Benten-sama) is the goddess of knowledge, art and beauty, especially music. She is one of the Seven Lucky Gods in Japanese mythology and folklore.
Q: What does Kichijōten represent?
A: Kichijōten represents happiness and sometimes replaces Jurōjin when depicted along with the seven traditional gods.
Q: What does Takarabune mean?
A: Takarabune means "Treasure Ship" in Japanese. It refers to a ship that carries all seven gods around town on New Year's Day to distribute gifts to worthy people.
Q: How do children receive gifts during New Year's Day?
A: During New Year's Day, children often receive red envelopes bearing the Takarabune which contain gifts of money inside them.