What is a serial number?

Q: What is a serial number?

A: A serial number is a unique number used for identification.

Q: How are serial numbers made?

A: Serial numbers are made in such a way that they change by a fixed discrete integer value, each time a new serial number is needed.

Q: How are identifiers with numbers and letters referred to by most people?

A: Most people refer to any identifier that has numbers and letters in it as a serial number and that can be used to pick a certain item of a large number of items.

Q: Are all numerical identifiers considered serial numbers?

A: Not every numerical identifier is a serial number; identifying numbers which are not serial numbers are sometimes called nominal numbers.

Q: Are sequence numbers typically non-negative?

A: Yes, sequence numbers are almost always non-negative.

Q: Where do sequence numbers typically start?

A: Sequence numbers typically start at zero or one.

Q: How can a serial number be used?

A: A serial number can be used to pick a certain item of a large number of items.

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