How many meanings does the word "sense" have?

Q: How many meanings does the word "sense" have?

A: The word "sense" has several meanings.

Q: How can one refer to a word that has several meanings?

A: When a word has several meanings, one can refer to it as being used "in the sense of..." some context or other.

Q: Are there more detailed articles on each meaning of the word "sense"?

A: Yes, there are more detailed articles on each meaning.

Q: What do we avoid doing in Simple English when it comes to using words with unusual senses?

A: In Simple English, we avoid using words in unusual senses.

Q: What is the purpose of this page about the word "sense"?

A: The purpose of this page is to provide general information about the word "sense," as there are more detailed articles on each meaning.

Q: What happens when a word has several meanings?

A: When a word has several meanings, one can refer to it as being used "in the sense of..." some context or other.

Q: Is it important to avoid using words in unusual senses in Simple English?

A: Yes, it is important to avoid using words in unusual senses in Simple English. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3