What is a selfie?

Q: What is a selfie?

A: A selfie is a self-portrait photograph taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone.

Q: Who took one of the first self-portraits?

A: Robert Cornelius, an American photographer, took one of the first self-portraits in 1839.

Q: When was the term "selfie" first used?

A: The term "selfie" was first used by photographer Jim Krause in 2005.

Q: What type of camera is typically used to take a selfie?

A: A hand-held digital camera or camera phone is typically used to take a selfie.

Q: What is the purpose of taking a selfie?

A: The purpose of taking a selfie is to take a self-portrait photograph.

Q: When did the trend of taking selfies become popular?

A: The trend of taking selfies became popular in the early 2010s.

Q: Who invented the first camera phone?

A: Philippe Kahn invented the first camera phone in 1997.

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