What is a Segnosaurus?
Q: What is a Segnosaurus?
A: Segnosaurus is a herbivorous theropod dinosaur.
Q: When did Segnosaurus live?
A: Segnosaurus lived during the late Upper Cretaceous, about 93 million years ago.
Q: Was Segnosaurus a carnivore?
A: No, it was not. Segnosaurus was a herbivore.
Q: Where were the skeletons of Segnosaurus found?
A: Four partial skeletons of Segnosaurus were found in Mongolia.
Q: What were some of the physical characteristics of Segnosaurus?
A: Segnosaurus had a long flexible neck, long head, three-toed feet, a broad strong pelvis, stocky legs with clawed fingers and toes, and a short tail.
Q: How long was Segnosaurus estimated to be?
A: It was estimated that Segnosaurus was around six metres in length.
Q: What was the estimated weight of Segnosaurus?
A: Segnosaurus was estimated to weigh 1.3 tonnes.