What is the Class of sea urchins?
Q: What is the Class of sea urchins?
A: The Class of sea urchins is Echinoidea.
Q: What is the protection of sea urchins?
A: Sea urchins are protected by calcareous plates and spines.
Q: Why are sea urchins called hedgehogs in many foreign languages?
A: Sea urchins are called hedgehogs in many foreign languages because urchin is an old word for hedgehog.
Q: What is the symmetry of sea urchins?
A: The symmetry of sea urchins is five-fold symmetry (called pentamerism).
Q: How do sea urchins move?
A: Sea urchins move by means of hundreds of tiny, transparent, adhesive 'tube feet'.
Q: What is the special chewing apparatus of sea urchins called?
A: The special chewing apparatus of sea urchins is called Aristotle's lantern, after the Greek philosopher Aristotle who was fascinated by sea urchins.
Q: What do sea urchins feed on?
A: Sea urchins mostly feed on algae and small animals.