What is a Savannah monitor?
Q: What is a Savannah monitor?
A: A Savannah monitor, also known as Bosc's monitor, is a medium-sized monitor lizard from Africa.
Q: What is the scientific name of the Savannah monitor?
A: The scientific name of the Savannah monitor is Varanus exanthematicus.
Q: Where is the range of the Savannah monitor?
A: The range of the Savannah monitor extends throughout sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal east to Sudan and south almost to the Congo River and Great Rift Valley.
Q: Where do Savannah monitors stay?
A: Savannah monitors are ground-dwelling species that shelter in burrows, although they can sometimes be found in bushes or low trees.
Q: What is the diet of Savannah monitors?
A: Savannah monitors feed almost exclusively on arthropods and molluscs.
Q: Where has information about the diet of Savannah monitors been recorded?
A: Information about the diet of Savannah monitors in the wild has been recorded in Senegal and Ghana.
Q: Can Savannah monitors be found in areas other than sub-Saharan Africa?
A: No, Savannah monitors are only found in sub-Saharan Africa.