
Sauges was an independent political commune in the district of Boudry, canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. In 1888, Sauges merged with the former municipality of Saint-Aubin to form the municipality of Saint-Aubin-Sauges, which in 2018 was absorbed into the newly formed municipality of La Grande Béroche.

Wappen des Kantons Neuenburg

Political communes in the canton of Neuchâtel

Boudry | La Brévine | Brot-Plamboz | Le Cerneux-Péquignot | La Chaux-de-Fonds | La Chaux-du-Milieu | Cornaux | Cortaillod | La Côte-aux-Fées | Cressier | Enges | La Grande Béroche | Hauterive | Le Landeron | Lignières | Le Locle | Milvignes | Neuchâtel | Les Planchettes | Les Ponts-de-Martel | Rochefort | La Sagne | Saint-Blaise | La Tène | Val-de-Ruz | Val-de-Travers | Les Verrières

Former municipalities:  Areuse | Auvernier | Les Bayards | Bevaix | Bôle | Boudevilliers | Boveresse | Les Brenets | Brot-Dessous | Brot-Dessus | Buttes | Cernier | Chézard-Saint-Martin | Coffrane | Colombier | Combes | Corcelles-Cormondrèche | La Coudre | Couvet | Dombresson | Engollon | Epagnier | Les Eplatures | Fenin | Fenin-Vilars-Saules | Fleurier | Fontainemelon | Fontaines | Fresens | Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane | Gorgier | Les Hauts-Geneveys | Marin | Marin-Epagnier | Montalchez | Montmollin | Môtiers | Noiraigue | Le Pâquier | Peseux | Plamboz | Saint-Aubin | Saint-Aubin-Sauges | Saint-Sulpice | Sauges | Saules | Savagnier | Thielle-Wavre | Thielle | Travers | Valangin | Vaumarcus | Vernéaz | Vilars | Villiers | Voëns-Maley | Wavre

Canton of Neuchâtel | Communes of the Canton of Neuchâtel

Municipal status before the merger on 1 January 1888Zoom
Municipal status before the merger on 1 January 1888 - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3