What is sarcasm?

Q: What is sarcasm?

A: Sarcasm is a type of figure of speech or comment that is difficult to define but often means the opposite of what is said.

Q: How can sarcasm be made?

A: Sarcasm can be made with the intent of humor or to be hurtful, and it is often hostile under the cover of friendliness.

Q: What is the origin of the word sarcasm?

A: The word sarcasm comes from the Greek word sarcasmus and is related to the word sarchasaristic.

Q: How can the receiver understand sarcasm?

A: Sarcasm often comes with a cue that can help the receiver understand, such as a tone of voice that signals love or hostility.

Q: What is "deadpan" or "dry humor"?

A: "Deadpan" or "dry humor" refers to cases in which sarcasm is delivered with a neutral tone of voice, which psychologists believe are basically hostile.

Q: Is sarcasm easy to convey through writing or translation?

A: No, sarcasm is difficult to convey through writing or translation, as it relies heavily on tone of voice and nonverbal cues.

Q: What is the basic meaning of sarcasm?

A: The basic meaning of sarcasm is to be hostile under the cover of friendliness.

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