Where is São Gonçalo located?

Q: Where is São Gonçalo located?

A: São Gonçalo is a city in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Q: How is São Gonçalo pronounced in Portuguese?

A: São Gonçalo is pronounced as [sɐ̃w ɡõˈsalu] in Portuguese.

Q: What is the population of São Gonçalo as of 2009?

A: The population of São Gonçalo as of 2009 is 1,010,212 inhabitants.

Q: Is São Gonçalo the most populous city in Rio de Janeiro?

A: No, São Gonçalo is the second most populous city in the state after the capital, Rio de Janeiro.

Q: What is the capital of Rio de Janeiro?

A: The capital of Rio de Janeiro is Rio de Janeiro itself.

Q: What language do people in São Gonçalo speak?

A: As São Gonçalo is located in Brazil, people there speak Portuguese as their official language.

Q: What is the significance of the city of São Gonçalo?

A: The significance of the city of São Gonçalo lies in its high population and its ranking as the second most populous city in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

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