What is bandwidth in the context of signal processing?

Q: What is bandwidth in the context of signal processing?

A: Bandwidth in signal processing refers to the width of a range of frequencies measured in hertz.

Q: What is bandwidth in the context of computing?

A: Bandwidth in computing refers to the rate of data transfer measured in bits per second (bit/s).

Q: What is spectral linewidth?

A: Spectral linewidth refers to the width of an atomic or molecular spectral line measured in hertz.

Q: Does the term bandwidth have multiple meanings?

A: Yes, bandwidth can refer to several related meanings such as signal processing, computing, and spectral linewidth.

Q: What is the importance of bandwidth in signal processing?

A: Bandwidth is important in signal processing as it provides a measure of the width of a range of frequencies that can be transmitted through a communication channel.

Q: How is bandwidth measured in computing?

A: Bandwidth in computing is measured in bits per second (bit/s) and refers to the rate of data transfer.

Q: Can the term bandwidth refer to anything else aside from the aforementioned meanings?

A: No, bandwidth typically refers to the meanings stated in the text.

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