What are the different species that can be referred to as Sandworm?

Q: What are the different species that can be referred to as Sandworm?

A: Sandworm can refer to a ragworm of the genus Nereis, a lugworm, and huge worms in the book Dune by Frank Herbert.

Q: What is the genus name of the ragworm that can be referred to as Sandworm?

A: The ragworm that can be referred to as Sandworm belongs to the genus Nereis.

Q: What is a lugworm?

A: A lugworm is a species that can be referred to as Sandworm.

Q: What is the book that features Sandworms?

A: Sandworms appear in the book Dune by Frank Herbert.

Q: What are Sandworms in the book Dune?

A: Sandworms in the book Dune by Frank Herbert are huge worms.

Q: Does Sandworm in the book Dune refer to a real species of worm?

A: No, Sandworm in the book Dune by Frank Herbert is a fictional species.

Q: Are all Sandworms fictional?

A: No, Sandworm can also refer to real species such as ragworms and lugworms.

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