Where is the Adamawa Region located?
Q: Where is the Adamawa Region located?
A: The Adamawa Region is located in Cameroon.
Q: What is the capital city of the Adamawa Region?
A: The capital city of the Adamawa Region is Ngaoundéré.
Q: What are the names of the mountains on the border of the Adamawa Region with Nigeria?
A: The mountains on the border of the Adamawa Region with Nigeria are Gotel and Mambila Mountains.
Q: What are some of the rivers in the Adamawa Region?
A: Some of the rivers in the Adamawa Region are the Faro River, Mbéré River, and Lom River.
Q: How many national reserves does the Adamawa Region have?
A: The Adamawa Region has two national reserves.
Q: What is the name of the national reserve that protects 4165 km² in both the Adamawa and East Regions?
A: The name of the national reserve that protects 4165 km² in both the Adamawa and East Regions is Parc National du Mbam et Djérem.
Q: What is notable about the Parc National du Mbam et Djérem?
A: The Parc National du Mbam et Djérem has both large tracts of savanna and forest.