What is Salisbury?
Q: What is Salisbury?
A: Salisbury is a town located in Litchfield County, Connecticut in the United States.
Q: Where is Salisbury located within Connecticut?
A: Salisbury is the most northwest town within the state of Connecticut.
Q: What is the population of Salisbury according to the 2000 census?
A: The population of Salisbury was 3,977 at the 2000 census.
Q: What is special about the Scoville Library in Salisbury?
A: The Scoville Library in Salisbury was the first library in the United States to be open to the public free of charge.
Q: What is the highest point in Connecticut and where is it located?
A: The highest point in Connecticut is on the south slope of Mount Frissell, which is located in Salisbury.
Q: What bodies of water can be found in Salisbury?
A: Salisbury is home to several ponds and six lakes: Wononscopomuc, Washinee, Washining, Wononpakook, Riga Lake, and South Pond.
Q: Does the Appalachian Trail run through Salisbury?
A: Yes, the Appalachian Trail runs through Salisbury.