Where is Salisbury Cathedral located?

Q: Where is Salisbury Cathedral located?

A: Salisbury Cathedral is located in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England.

Q: When was the main body of the cathedral completed?

A: The main body of Salisbury Cathedral was completed in only 38 years, starting in 1220.

Q: What is the architectural style of Salisbury Cathedral?

A: Salisbury Cathedral is considered to be one of the leading examples of Early English architecture.

Q: How tall is the church spire at Salisbury Cathedral?

A: The church spire at Salisbury Cathedral is the tallest in the United Kingdom, standing at 123m/404ft.

Q: What can visitors see on the 'Tower Tour' at Salisbury Cathedral?

A: Visitors on the 'Tower Tour' can see the interior of the hollow spire at Salisbury Cathedral, as well as its ancient wood scaffolding.

Q: What important historical documents does Salisbury Cathedral house?

A: Salisbury Cathedral houses one of the four surviving original copies of the Magna Carta, as well as the world's oldest working clock from AD 1386.

Q: Who is the Bishop of Salisbury?

A: The Bishop of Salisbury is the Rt. Revd. Nick Holtam, who has held the position since 2011.

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