What is Salamandroidea?
Q: What is Salamandroidea?
A: Salamandroidea is a suborder of salamanders known as the advanced salamanders.
Q: Where are the members of Salamandroidea found?
A: The members of Salamandroidea are found worldwide except for Antarctica, Southern Sahara, and Oceania.
Q: How do all members of Salamandroidea reproduce?
A: All members of Salamandroidea use internal fertilization.
Q: How does fertilization occur in female salamanders?
A: The female is fertilized by a spermatophore, which is a sperm-containing cap put by the male in her cloaca.
Q: Where is the sperm stored in female salamanders after fertilization?
A: The sperm is stored on the roof of the cloaca until it is needed at the time of egg laying in female salamanders.
Q: What is the age of the earliest known Salamandroidea fossils?
A: The earliest known Salamandroidea fossils are from the Tiaojishan Formation and are dated to the late Jurassic period about 157 million years ago.
Q: What is the origin of Salamandroidea?
A: The origin of Salamandroidea is believed to date back to the late Jurassic period about 157 million years ago, which is when the earliest known fossils were found.