What is the population of Bamberg?
Q: What is the population of Bamberg?
A: The town of Bamberg has about 70,000 inhabitants.
Q: Who is the Lord Mayor of Bamberg?
A: The Lord Mayor of Bamberg is Andreas Starke (SPD).
Q: How was Bamberg affected by World War II?
A: Unlike most other German towns, Bamberg was little damaged in World War II and only 4.6% was totally ruined.
Q: Is there anything special about the architecture in Bamberg?
A: Yes, the basic structure of the town remained untouched through the centuries and it has many buildings which are very old. It is also protected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Q: What makes Bamberg similar to Rome?
A: Like Rome, Bamberg is built on seven hills, each one with a church at the top.
Q: Who ruled over land in Bamberg for hundreds of years?
A: For hundreds of years, prince-bishops from the cathedral ruled over the land until the beginning of 19th century when they just continued their religious function as archbishops.
Q: What river runs through the town centre below in Bamberg?
A: The river Regnitz splits into two parts and runs throught he town centre below in Bamberg. The left arm of this river holds the old town centre while its right arm holds Main-Danube Canal (Main-Donau-Kanal), which allows big ships to travel from river Main to Danube.