What is A or La in music?
Q: What is A or La in music?
A: A or La is the sixth note of the solfège and a musical note.
Q: What is the significance of the note "A" in tuning an orchestra?
A: When the orchestra tunes, the oboe plays an "A" and the rest of the instruments tune to match that pitch.
Q: How do string instrument players tune their instruments in an orchestra?
A: Every string instrument in the orchestra has an A string, from which each player can tune the rest of their instrument.
Q: What is the lowest note on a standard piano?
A: A0 is the lowest note on a standard piano.
Q: What are the octaves that follow A1 on a standard piano?
A: The octaves that follow A1 on a standard piano are A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, and A7.
Q: What is the highest note on a standard piano?
A: C8 is the highest note on a standard piano.
Q: Is the note "A" a milestone or mark to hit with voice?
A: No, the note "A" is not considered to be a certain milestone or mark to hit with voice as, for example, Tenor C is, but it can be extremely demanding in certain octaves.