Where is Rustavi located?

Q: Where is Rustavi located?

A: Rustavi is located in Georgia.

Q: Who founded Rustavi and in what century?

A: Rustavi was founded by Trdat of Iberia in the 4th century.

Q: What happened to Rustavi in the 13th century?

A: Rustavi became empty in the 13th century.

Q: When was Rustavi rebuilt?

A: Rustavi was rebuilt in the 20th century.

Q: What is the Rustavi Metallurgical Plant?

A: The Rustavi Metallurgical Plant is a facility located in Rustavi.

Q: What was the population of Rustavi in 2014?

A: As of 2014, Rustavi had a population of 125,103 people.

Q: How old is Rustavi?

A: Rustavi is over 1,600 years old, having been founded in the 4th century.

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