RSA stands for:

  • Rhetoric Society of America
  • Random sequential adsorption, a stochastic process, see hard-core process
  • Rational Software Architect, a model-driven development tool from IBM based on the Eclipse development environment
  • Room shooting range, a closed shooting range, see Shooting range
  • Regierungssekretäranwärter (Government Secretary Candidate), a job title of a civil servant on revocation in the intermediate non-technical administrative service of the Federal Government.
  • Rental Sales Agent, English term for car rental company
  • Repressive state apparatus, see ideology and ideological state apparatuses
  • Respiratory sinus arrhythmia, atemsynchronous fluctuation of the heart rate
  • Revenu de solidarité active, social assistance in France
  • Revised Shapley-Ames, see Shapley-Ames catalogue, a galaxy catalogue
  • Guidelines for securing work sites on roads, technical regulations in road construction
  • bovine serum albumin, a protein derived from blood serum of domestic cattle
  • Risk structure compensation, compensation mechanism in social health insurance systems
  • Road Safety Audit, a procedure for identifying safety deficits in road infrastructure projects.
  • X-ray structure analysis, a method for determining the atomic structure of a crystal by diffraction of X-rays at the crystal lattice, see crystal structure analysis
  • Airport of the city of Santa Rosa (La Pampa) in Argentina, by IATA airport code
  • Reichsippenamt, see Reich Office for Genealogical Research

Security Research

  • RSA cryptosystem, a widely used public key encryption method
    • RSA Factoring Challenge, a meanwhile terminated competition of the company RSA Security
  • Relay Station Attack, an attack method for keyless vehicle security systems, see Keyless Go.


  • Radio Session Allgäu, a local radio station in Allgäu, now The New RSA Radio
  • Radio RSA, a former radio station in South Africa
  • Regional Science Association, until 1990 the name of the Regional Science Association International, an international scientific association.
  • Regional Studies Association, a British scientific association
  • The Renaissance Society of America, an American research organization of the Renaissance period with a focus on art history and history.
  • Republic of South Africa, after the country code of the Olympic team codes of the IOC as well as officially used country code in Southern Africa
  • FIFA Country Code South Africa
  • Ridley Scott Associates, a film production company owned by brothers Ridley Scott and Tony Scott.
  • Royal Society of Arts, British cultural institution
  • RSA Insurance Group, a British insurance company (until the change of name in 2008 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group plc)
  • RSA Security, a US-American company specialized in network security

RSA as a distinguishing sign on vehicle registration plates:

  • Poland: Powiat Sanocki in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship

RSa stands for:

  • Return receipt letter, a type of delivery in the Austrian postal system

R.SA stands for:

  • R.SA, a Saxon radio station

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