Where is Roma located?

Q: Where is Roma located?

A: Roma is located in Gotland Municipality, Gotland County, Sweden.

Q: How many people lived in Roma in 2010?

A: In 2010, 913 people lived in Roma.

Q: When was Roma divided by Statistics Sweden?

A: Roma was divided by Statistics Sweden in 1995.

Q: What is the population of "Roma kyrkby" or "Lövsta"?

A: The population of "Roma kyrkby" or "Lövsta" is 277.

Q: What is the current postal address used by the remaining part of Roma?

A: The remaining part of Roma is using "Romakloster" as the postal address.

Q: Why is there confusion about the name "Roma" in the statistical figures?

A: The confusion about the name "Roma" in the statistical figures is caused by the fact that Lövsta/Roma kyrkby has been referred to as "Roma" since 2000.

Q: What is Roma also referred to as?

A: Roma is also referred to as Romakloster.

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