What is Baitadi District?

Q: What is Baitadi District?

A: Baitadi District is a district located in Nepal.

Q: What is the native language of Baitadi District?

A: The native language of Baitadi District is Nepali.

Q: What administrative zone is Baitadi District located in?

A: Baitadi District is located in the Mahakali Zone.

Q: What is the capital city of Baitadi District?

A: Baitadi is the headquarters and capital city of Baitadi District.

Q: How big is Baitadi District?

A: Information about the size of Baitadi District is not provided in the text.

Q: What are the major industries in Baitadi District?

A: Information about the major industries in Baitadi District is not provided in the text.

Q: What is the population of Baitadi District?

A: Information about the population of Baitadi District is not provided in the text.

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