What is the term "hacker" usually associated with?
Q: What is the term "hacker" usually associated with?
A: The term “hacker” is often used to describe a computer criminal.
Q: Is this always true?
A: No, this isn't always the case. The term “hacker” is often used to describe a computer criminal, but this isn't always the case.
Q: Are there other meanings of the word "hacker"?
A: Yes, there are other meanings of the word "hacker".
Q: What are some examples of these alternate meanings?
A: Some alternate meanings include someone who is highly skilled in programming or someone who uses their technical skills for creative purposes.
Q: Can hackers be beneficial to society?
A: Yes, hackers can be beneficial to society as they may use their technical skills and knowledge to help protect networks from malicious attacks or create innovative software solutions.
Q: Are all hackers criminals?
A: No, not all hackers are criminals.