Who is Rizvan Utsiyev?

Q: Who is Rizvan Utsiyev?

A: Rizvan Utsiyev is a Russian professional football player of Chechen descent.

Q: When was Rizvan Utsiyev born?

A: Rizvan Utsiyev was born on February 7th, 1988.

Q: What is Rizvan Utsiyev's current team?

A: Rizvan Utsiyev is currently the captain of Akhmat Grozny football team.

Q: What is the nationality of Rizvan Utsiyev?

A: Rizvan Utsiyev is Russian.

Q: What is the ethnicity of Rizvan Utsiyev?

A: Rizvan Utsiyev is of Chechen descent.

Q: Is Rizvan Utsiyev a professional football player?

A: Yes, Rizvan Utsiyev is a professional association football player.

Q: Has Rizvan Utsiyev played for any other football teams in the past?

A: The information is not provided in the given text.

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