Revolutions per minute

rpm (revolutions per minute) is an Anglo-American unit in mechanics for the rotational speed nfor example of a rotary axis.

The German unit of measurement for ncorresponding to rpm is 1/min (= 1 min-1).

{\displaystyle 1\,{\text{rpm}}={\frac {1}{\text{min}}}={\frac {1}{60\,{\text{s}}}}\;.}

According to the SI system of units, the specification in the unit 1/s is intended but hardly in use; the unit Hertz is not to be used for the rotational speed according to DIN 1301.

The special name revolution (unit symbol r, in German-speaking countries U) is usually used instead of one as a unit in the specification for rotating machines. Correspondingly, the unit "revolutions per minute" (unit symbol U/min) is widely used for rotational speed.

If we consider a point on a component rotating with the axis, it moves with angular velocity ω {\displaystyle \omega =2\pi \,n}.

To an {\displaystyle n=\{n\}\,{\text{rpm}}}belongs a ω {\displaystyle \omega =\{n\}\ {\frac {2\pi }{60\,{\text{s}}}}\approx 0{,}1\,\{n\}\,{\text{s}}^{-1}\;.}

Here \{n\}stands for the numerical value of the speed in the unit used. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3