What is a review?
Q: What is a review?
A: A review is an evaluation of a publication, service, or company.
Q: What are some popular subjects for reviews?
A: Popular subjects for reviews are movies, video games, musical compositions, books, cars, home appliances, and computers.
Q: What events or performances are commonly reviewed?
A: Events or performances like live music concerts, plays, musical theater shows, dance shows, or art exhibitions are commonly reviewed.
Q: What types of legal cases may be reviewed by a higher court?
A: Legal case decisions by a lower court may be reviewed by a higher court.
Q: What else might a review's author include besides a critical evaluation?
A: In addition to a critical evaluation, the review's author may assign the work a rating to indicate its relative merit.
Q: What are the three general types of reviews?
A: Reviews are generally positive, neutral, or negative.
Q: Can a review be about anything?
A: No, a review is specifically an evaluation of a publication, service, or company, and is not about anything else.