Where is Remich located?

Q: Where is Remich located?

A: Remich is located in south-eastern Luxembourg.

Q: What is the capital of the canton Remich?

A: Remich is the capital of the canton Remich.

Q: What is Remich known as?

A: Remich is known as the Pearl of the Moselle.

Q: What is the official language of Remich?

A: The official language of Remich is Luxembourgish.

Q: Is Remich a city or a village?

A: Remich is a commune with city status.

Q: What is the significance of the Moselle in Remich?

A: Remich is known as the Pearl of the Moselle, indicating that the river is significant to the town.

Q: How would you describe the location of Remich?

A: Remich is located in the south-eastern part of Luxembourg and is situated alongside the Moselle river, which makes it a picturesque location.

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