What does regeneration mean in developmental biology?

Q: What does regeneration mean in developmental biology?

A: Regeneration means that an organism regrows a lost part, so that the original function is restored.

Q: Do all organisms have the ability to regenerate equally?

A: No, the ability to regenerate differs in different groups.

Q: What is an example of an animal that can regenerate severed limbs?

A: Newts can regenerate severed limbs.

Q: What are the two major steps in limb regeneration in newts?

A: The first step is de-differentiation of adult cells into a stem cell state similar to embryonic cells, and the second step is development of these cells into new tissue more or less the same way it developed the first time.

Q: Why can simpler animals like flatworms regenerate?

A: Simpler animals like flatworms can regenerate because the adults retain clusters of stem cells in their bodies.

Q: How do clusters of stem cells allow flatworms to regenerate?

A: These stem cell clusters can migrate to damaged parts of the body, then divide and differentiate to provide the missing tissue.

Q: Can mammals regenerate lost limbs?

A: No, mammals cannot regenerate lost limbs.

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