Where is Bad Hindelang located?
Q: Where is Bad Hindelang located?
A: Bad Hindelang is located in the district of Oberallgäu in Bavaria, Germany.
Q: What is the population of Bad Hindelang?
A: As of 2008, the population of Bad Hindelang is 4,915.
Q: What is Bad Hindelang known for?
A: Bad Hindelang is known for its sulphur springs and pure mountain air.
Q: What is the current status of Bad Hindelang?
A: Today, Bad Hindelang is a health resort.
Q: What is the elevation of Bad Hindelang?
A: Bad Hindelang is 825 metres (2,707 ft) above sea level.
Q: What type of municipality is Bad Hindelang?
A: Bad Hindelang is a municipality in the district of Oberallgäu in Bavaria, Germany.
Q: Are there any natural features in Bad Hindelang?
A: Yes, Bad Hindelang is known for its sulphur springs and pure mountain air, indicating the presence of natural features.