What is Redange or Redange-sur-Attert?

Q: What is Redange or Redange-sur-Attert?

A: Redange or Redange-sur-Attert is a commune and town in western Luxembourg, near the border with Belgium.

Q: What is the language spoken in Redange or Redange-sur-Attert?

A: The language spoken in Redange or Redange-sur-Attert is Luxembourgish and German.

Q: Where is Redange located?

A: Redange is located in western Luxembourg, near the border with Belgium.

Q: What is the capital of the canton of Redange?

A: The capital of the canton of Redange is Redange or Redange-sur-Attert.

Q: What is the population of Redange?

A: The population of Redange is not provided in the text.

Q: What is the major economic activity of Redange?

A: The major economic activity of Redange is not provided in the text.

Q: What is the nearest town/city to Redange in Belgium?

A: The text does not provide information on the nearest town/city to Redange in Belgium.

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