What is Ramjerd?

Q: What is Ramjerd?

A: Ramjerd is a city and the capital of Dorudzan District in Marvdasht County, Fars Province, Iran.

Q: What was Ramjerd previously known as?

A: Ramjerd was previously known as Kushkak.

Q: Is Ramjerd located in the Fars Province?

A: Yes, Ramjerd is located in the Fars Province of Iran.

Q: What district is Ramjerd the capital of?

A: Ramjerd is the capital of Dorudzan District.

Q: What is the population of Ramjerd?

A: The population of Ramjerd is not provided in the given text.

Q: What is the meaning of the Persian name "Ramjerd"?

A: The meaning of the Persian name "Ramjerd" is not provided in the given text.

Q: What is the importance of Ramjerd in the Fars Province of Iran?

A: The given text does not provide information on the importance of Ramjerd in the Fars Province of Iran.

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