What is precipitation?
Q: What is precipitation?
A: Precipitation is any kind of water that falls from clouds in the sky, like rain, hail, sleet and snow.
Q: How is rain measured?
A: Rain is measured by a rain gauge.
Q: What is the water cycle?
A: The water cycle is the process by which water evaporates from the earth's surface, rises into the atmosphere, condenses into clouds, and returns to the earth as precipitation.
Q: What is the relationship between rain and rainforests?
A: Some places have frequent rain, which leads to the creation of rainforests.
Q: What occurs during a rainstorm?
A: During a rainstorm, there is a sudden heavy fall of rain that may cause flash floods in valleys.
Q: What are the potential dangers of heavy rain for a long time?
A: Heavy rain for a long time may make floods that destroy houses and drown people, and landslides may happen.
Q: What is the process by which clouds absorb smoke in order to create rain and what is this phenomenon called?
A: The process by which clouds absorb smoke to create rain is commonly referred to as "nature's laundry."