Where is Radolfzell located?

Q: Where is Radolfzell located?

A: Radolfzell is located on the west bank of Bodensee, northwest of Konstanz.

Q: How far away is Radolfzell from Konstanz?

A: Radolfzell is about 18 km away from Konstanz.

Q: What is the population of Radolfzell?

A: The text does not provide information about the population of Radolfzell.

Q: In relation to the district Konstanz, how large is Radolfzell?

A: Radolfzell is the third biggest city of the district Konstanz, after Konstanz and Singen (Hohentwiel).

Q: When did Radolfzell become a large district town?

A: Radolfzell became a large district town on 1 January 1975.

Q: What is the significance of being a large district town?

A: Being a large district town means that Radolfzell has a higher level of autonomy and administrative responsibilities compared to smaller cities or towns.

Q: What is the geographical significance of Radolfzell's location?

A: Radolfzell's location on the west bank of Bodensee provides access to water transportation and recreation opportunities.

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