What is radio astronomy?

Q: What is radio astronomy?

A: Radio astronomy is a branch of astronomy that studies celestial objects at radio frequencies.

Q: When was the first detection of radio waves from an astronomical object made?

A: The first detection of radio waves from an astronomical object was made in the 1930s.

Q: Which celestial object was the first to emit radio waves?

A: Karl Jansky found radiation coming from the Milky Way.

Q: What are some other sources of radio emission found through radio astronomy?

A: Other sources of radio emission found through radio astronomy include stars and galaxies, as well as entirely new classes of objects such as radio galaxies, quasars, pulsars, and masers.

Q: What important discovery was made for the Big Bang theory through radio astronomy?

A: The discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which provided evidence for the Big Bang theory, was made through radio astronomy.

Q: How is radio astronomy done?

A: Radio astronomy is done using large radio antennas called radio telescopes, which can be used alone or with multiple linked telescopes. Interferometry is used to achieve high angular resolution.

Q: What is the resolving power of an interferometer set by?

A: The resolving power of an interferometer is set by the distance between its components, not the size of its components.

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