Where is Quinhagak located?

Q: Where is Quinhagak located?

A: Quinhagak is a city in the state of Alaska in the United States.

Q: How many people were living in Quinhagak in 2010?

A: According to the text, there were 669 people living in Quinhagak in 2010.

Q: What is the Bethel Census Area?

A: The Bethel Census Area is the area where Quinhagak is located.

Q: What is the meaning of the name Kuinerraq?

A: Kuinerraq is the Central Alaskan Yup'ik name for Quinhagak, as mentioned in the text.

Q: When was the name Kuinerraq used for Quinhagak?

A: According to the text, the name Kuinerraq was used as early as 1000 A.D.

Q: How is Quinhagak pronounced?

A: Quinhagak is pronounced as /ˈkwɪnəhɑːk/ or Kwinhagak, according to the text.

Q: What language is the name Kuinerraq from?

A: The name Kuinerraq is from the Central Alaskan Yup'ik language, as stated in the text.

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