Where is the Quba Mosque located?

Q: Where is the Quba Mosque located?

A: The Quba Mosque is located in Medina.

Q: Is the Quba Mosque the oldest mosque in the world?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: Who was responsible for building the Quba Mosque?

A: Muhammad and his friend were responsible for starting to build the mosque.

Q: Did anyone else make changes or improvements to the Quba Mosque over time?

A: Yes, Umar II added a minaret and enlarged the mosque.

Q: Was the Quba Mosque destroyed at any point in history?

A: Yes, Suleiman the Magnificent destroyed the mosque.

Q: Who rebuilt the Quba Mosque after it was destroyed?

A: Suleiman the Magnificent rebuilt the mosque.

Q: Is the Quba Mosque still standing today?

A: Yes, it is still standing today.

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