What is a pyre?
Q: What is a pyre?
A: A pyre is a structure used for burning a body.
Q: Where does the word pyre come from?
A: The word pyre comes from the Greek word for fire.
Q: Are pyres built indoors or outdoors?
A: Pyres are built outdoors.
Q: What are pyres usually made from?
A: Pyres are usually made from wood.
Q: What is done with the body before a pyre is set on fire?
A: The body is placed on top of the pyre or under it.
Q: Are pyres still used for funerals?
A: Yes, pyres are still used for funerals in some parts of the world.
Q: Have pyres ever been used to kill people?
A: Yes, historically, pyres have been used to kill people by burning them alive.