What is a pug?

Q: What is a pug?

A: A pug is a type of dog with a wrinkly face, curled tail, and a square, muscular body with a large head, big eyes, and small ears.

Q: What are pug puppies called?

A: Pug puppies are called puglets.

Q: What does multum in parvo mean in reference to pugs?

A: Multum in parvo means "much in little", referring to the pug's character and size.

Q: Where did pugs originate from?

A: Pugs came originally from Taiwan.

Q: Where did pugs become popular?

A: Pugs became popular in England, Ireland, and Scotland.

Q: What is the physical appearance of a pug?

A: A pug has a square, muscular body with a wrinkly face, big eyes, small ears and a curled tail.

Q: What is the meaning of multum in parvo?

A: Multum in parvo means "much in little", referring to the small size and big character of pugs.

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