What is prostitution?

Q: What is prostitution?

A: Prostitution is the act of having sex with people for money.

Q: Who are most prostitutes?

A: Most prostitutes are women.

Q: Why is prostitution sometimes referred to as the "world's oldest profession"?

A: Because there are written records of it in almost every culture and society.

Q: Is prostitution legal in all countries?

A: No, in many countries it is a crime.

Q: Who gets arrested in some places where prostitution is illegal?

A: In some places where prostitution is illegal, it is the customers who get arrested.

Q: What can happen to prostitutes if they are caught in countries where it is illegal?

A: If caught, they can face criminal charges and penalties.

Q: How has prostitution changed over time?

A: While prostitution has been around for centuries, attitudes towards it have changed over time. Some countries have decriminalized prostitution, while others continue to criminalize it.

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