Who was Procopius of Caesarea?

Q: Who was Procopius of Caesarea?

A: Procopius of Caesarea was a scholar and historian from the Eastern Roman Empire who lived from around 500 to 565 AD.

Q: What were some of Procopius' major works?

A: Procopius wrote several major works, including the Wars of Justinian, the Buildings of Justinian, and the Secret History.

Q: What was Procopius' role in the wars of Justinian I?

A: Procopius participated in the wars of Justinian I, which were a series of military campaigns fought by the Byzantine Empire under Justinian I's reign in the 6th century.

Q: What is the Wars of Justinian?

A: The Wars of Justinian is a historical work written by Procopius that chronicles the military campaigns of Justinian I's reign.

Q: What is the Buildings of Justinian?

A: The Buildings of Justinian is a historical work written by Procopius that details the construction and renovation projects undertaken by Justinian I during his reign.

Q: What is the Secret History?

A: The Secret History is a scandalous historical work written by Procopius that criticizes the actions and character of Justinian I and his wife, Empress Theodora.

Q: Why is Procopius considered the last major historian of the ancient world?

A: Procopius is commonly considered the last major historian of the ancient world because his works represent a bridge between the classical tradition of ancient Greek and Roman historiography and the medieval tradition that followed.

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