Where is Preveza located?

Q: Where is Preveza located?

A: Preveza is located in the west of Greece in the district of Ipirus.

Q: What is Preveza known for?

A: Preveza is known for being a coastal town with a big port.

Q: What is the capital of Preveza prefecture?

A: Preveza is the capital of Preveza prefecture.

Q: What islands are connected to Preveza through its ports?

A: Preveza's ports connect it with Ionian islands such as Leukada and Paxoi.

Q: What town is near Preveza?

A: Arta is the town that is near Preveza.

Q: Where is Ipirus?

A: Ipirus is a district in the west of Greece.

Q: What kind of town is Preveza?

A: Preveza is a Greek coastal town with a big port.

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