How many prefectures are there in Japan?

Q: How many prefectures are there in Japan?

A: There are 47 prefectures in Japan.

Q: What are the prefectures of Japan?

A: Prefectures of Japan are the basic local entities of Japan and are the 47 subdivisions of the country.

Q: What is the size of the prefectures in comparison to the cities, towns, and villages?

A: The prefectures of Japan are larger than cities, towns, and villages.

Q: What do prefectures serve as in the Japanese government system?

A: Prefectures serve as the governmental bodies of Japan.

Q: What is the significance of prefectures in Japan?

A: The prefectures of Japan play an important role in the administrative and political hierarchy of the country.

Q: What is the meaning of 'todōfuken'?

A: 'Todōfuken' is the Japanese term for prefectures of Japan.

Q: Can cities, towns, and villages function independently without the prefectures?

A: No, cities, towns, and villages are dependent on the prefectures for their governance as prefectures are larger and higher-level governmental bodies. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3