When was Pope Liberius the Pope of the Catholic Church?

Q: When was Pope Liberius the Pope of the Catholic Church?

A: Pope Liberius was the Pope of the Catholic Church from 17 May 352 until his death on 24 September 366.

Q: Who consecrated Pope Liberius as the successor to Pope Julius I?

A: According to the Catalogus Liberianus, Pope Liberius was consecrated on 22 May as the successor to Pope Julius I.

Q: What is the Greek Menology?

A: The Greek Menology is the Eastern equivalent to the martyrologies of the Western Church and a measure of sainthood prior to the institution of the formal Western processes of canonization.

Q: Was Pope Liberius mentioned in the Greek Menology?

A: Yes, Pope Liberius is mentioned in the Greek Menology.

Q: What did Pope Liberius do during his papacy?

A: The text does not provide information on what Pope Liberius did during his papacy.

Q: How did Pope Liberius die?

A: Pope Liberius died on 24 September 366.

Q: When did Pope Liberius live?

A: Pope Liberius lived from 310 until his death on 24 September 366.

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